The next matches in the lower age group leagues organized by the AFFA have taken place. The teams of the "Sabah" Football Academy won 4 out of 6 games (1 draw, 1 loss).
U-13 League
Sabah – Zirə 6:2
Goals: Yusif Ağayev (4), Hüseyn Musayev, Ayxan Hüseynov.
U-15 League
Sabah – Sumqayıt 1:2
Goal: Nihad Hüseynzadə.
U-16 League
Sabah – Mübariz FA 6:0
Goals: Ceyhun Kazımzadə (4), Şakir Süleymanov, Rəvan Quliyev.
U-17 League
Sabah – Səbail 2:2
Goals: Ümid Səlimov, Turan Fətullayev.
U-17 Girls League
Zaqatala City – Sabah 1:13
Goals: Aysu Əsədova, Aylin Kərimova (6), Aygün Novruzova, Tərgül Qəniyeva (2), Fatimə Kərimli (2), Ruslana Kazaçenko.
Youth League (U-19)
Sabah – Dinamo 3:1
Goals: Tariel Fərzəliyev (3).
The next round of games in the lower age group leagues organized by AFFA has been completed. The tea
The next matches in the lower age group leagues organized by the AFFA have taken place. The teams of
The next round of games was held in the leagues organized by the AFFA. The teams of the "Sabah" Foot